


The CONTACT page has been updated. Please check your school's information to make sure it is complete and correct. Please e-mail me (ffeddie21@hotmail.com) if you need to make a correction.

Here are the upcoming DEADLINES to prepare for the Fall Season:

  • AUG 19th - All scheduling requests are DUE.  Email them to me at ffeddie21@hotmail.com
  • SEPT 1st - Fall Schedules will be completed and sent to clubs
  • SEPT 9th  - By 11:59pm any and all necessary reschedule are done, completed, and turned back into the league for approval.  Any reschedules done after this date will result in a $20 fine for each club involved, per each occurrence.
The first week of games for most clubs is tentatively set for OCTOBER 1st/2nd.
Final games must be complete by the weekend of December 3rd/4th.

OASA player cards
OASA player cards are still required by the league.  Any player wishing to compete with a CCSL team must have a card by the first game.  No card, No Play, No exceptions!